Yemen Timeline Contact the AFSM

Large irrigation schemes started in Yemen.
— 5,000 BC
Start of the Sabaean Culture, later on Qataban, Main and the Hadramaut, Famous periodof Queen of Sheba (Bilqis).
— 1,000 BC
Himyarite Kingdom.
— 200 AD
Axumites conquer Yemen.
— 530 AD
Collapse of the Marib Dam.
— 570 AD
Expulsion of the Axumites with help of the Perions.
— 575 AD
Islam arives in Yemen.
— 628 AD
Ziadi Kingdom in Zabid, First University in South Arabia.
— 821-1012 AD
Al Hadi Yahia establishes the Zaydi Dynasty in Saada.
— 897 AD
The Sileyhi Dynasty, Queen Arwa.
— 46-1138 AD
Taiz is the Capital of Yemen.
— 1174 AD
The Rasulid Dynasty.
— 1229-1454 AD
The first Turkish occupation.
— 1538 AD
The Zaydis expell the Turks.
— 1635 AD
The Sultan of Lahej causes the division of Yemen into a Northern and a Southern part.
— 1729 AD
The British occupy Aden.
— 1839 AD
The Turks occupy the North.
— 1848 AD
Withdraw of the Turks.
— 1918 AD
Aden becomes a Crown Colony 1.
— 1937 AD
Revolution in Yemen. End of the Zaydi Dynasty.
— 1962 AD
The British leave the South.
— 1967 AD
Unification of the two Yemens.
— 1990 AD
The war against Separatists.
— 1994 AD
Democratic Election of the President.
— 1999 AD
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