Bilqis Timeline Contact the AFSM

Site explored by Thomas Arnaud.
— 1843
Sanctuary explored by Joseph Halevy.
— 1870
Eduard Glaser describes the site in detail, recording four important monumental inscriptions along the wall.
— 1888
Nazih al Azm takes first photographs of structure.
— 1943
Egyptian archaeologist Ahmen Fakhry visits site and builds on Glaser's description of the site, photographs it and copies more inscriptions.
— 1947
An expedition, led by American archaeologist Wendell Phillips. begins excavation of the sanctuary.
— 1951
Excavation of sanctuary ceases completely, team forced to flee due to threats to their security.
— 1952
Yemen Arab Republic founded.
— 1962
People's Republic of South Yemen formed, changing its name two years later to the Democratic Republic of Yemen. In the north — the Yemen Arab Republic remains.
— 1967
Archaeological and epigraphic research resumes around Ma'rib area but no work done at Mahram Biqis.
— 1971
Civil war breaks out in the Yemen Arab Republic.
— 1986
United Republic of Yemen established.
— 1990
Power struggle within the nation lead to civil war again. Country again reunified under President Saleh. Since that time Yemen embarks on program of modernization.
— 1994
Preliminary archaeological research resumed at Mahram Biqis.
— 1997
The American Foundation for the Study of Man conducts its first field season of renewed excavation and documentation at the sanctuary.
— 1998
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